COMARCS/COMA Spectra and Photometry 2010-2019

Synthetic spectra and bolometric corrections calculated with the COMA/SPHREAD spectral synthesis from COMARCS hydrostatic models. The data are described in "Synthetic photometry for M and K giants and stellar evolution: hydrostatic dust-free model atmospheres and chemical abundances", 2016, by B. Aringer, L. Girardi, W. Nowotny, P. Marigo and A. Bressan, MNRAS 457, 3611 (MNRAS or PDF) and in "Carbon stars with increased oxygen and nitrogen abundances: hydrostatic dust-free model atmospheres", 2019, by B. Aringer, P. Marigo, W. Nowotny, L. Girardi, M. Mecina and A. Nanni, MNRAS (submitted).

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©2015-2019, Bernhard Aringer