It is with deep sorrow that we announce the untimely passing of Prof. Paola Marigo, on October 20, 2024. As her group, we would like to express our deepest gratitude for her guidance, and our commitment to carry forward her legacy.
Warning: mass loss works fine as long as ηReimers<0.5. Check the results for higher values.
Choose among the available photometric systems: 2MASS + Spitzer (IRAC+MIPS) 2MASS + Spitzer (IRAC+MIPS) + WISE 2MASS JHKs OGLE + 2MASS + Spitzer (IRAC+MIPS) UBVRIJHK (cf. Maiz-Apellaniz 2006 + Bessell 1990) UBVRIJHKLMN (cf. Bessell 1990 + Bessell & Brett 1988) AKARI BATC CFHT Megacam + Wircam (all ABmags) CFHT Wircam CFHT/Megacam post-2014 u*g'r'i'z' CFHT/Megacam pre-2014 u*g'r'i'z' CIBER CLUE + GALEX (Vegamags) CSST (ABmags) DECAM (ABmags) DENIS DMC 14 filters DMC 15 filters ESO/EIS (WFI UBVRIZ + SOFI JHK) ESO/WFI ESO/WFI2 Euclid VIS+NISP (ABmags) GALEX FUV+NUV (Vegamag) + SDSS ugriz (ABmags) GALEX FUV+NUV + Johnson's UBV (Maiz-Apellaniz version), all Vegamags Gaia DR1 + Tycho2 + 2MASS (all Vegamags) Gaia DR2 + Tycho2 + 2MASS (all Vegamags, Gaia passbands from Evans et al. 2018) Gaia DR2 + Tycho2 + 2MASS (all Vegamags, Gaia passbands from Weiler 2018) Gaia EDR3 (all Vegamags, Gaia passbands from ESA/Gaia website) Gaia's DR1 G, G_BP and G_RP (Vegamags) Gaia's DR2 G, G_BP and G_RP (Vegamags, Gaia passbands from Evans et al. 2018) Gaia's DR2 G, G_BP and G_RP (Vegamags, Gaia passbands from Maiz-Apellaniz and Weiler 2018) Gaia's DR2 G, G_BP and G_RP (Vegamags, Gaia passbands from Weiler 2018) HST+GALEX+Swift/UVOT UV filters HST/ACS HRC HST/ACS WFC (c.f. 2007 revision, pos-04jul06) HST/ACS WFC - updated filters and zeropoints, 2021 HST/NICMOS AB HST/NICMOS Vega HST/STIS imaging mode, Vegamag HST/WFC3 all W+LP+X filters (UVIS1+IR, final throughputs) HST/WFC3 long-pass and extremely wide filters (UVIS) - updated filters and zeropoints, 2021 HST/WFC3 medium filters (UVIS+IR) - updated filters and zeropoints, 2021 HST/WFC3 wide filters (UVIS+IR) - updated filters and zeropoints, 2021 HST/WFPC2 (Vegamag, cf. Holtzman et al. 1995) Hipparcos+Tycho+Gaia DR1 (Vegamags) INT/WFC (Vegamag) IPHAS JWST MIRI wide filters, Vegamags JWST NIRCam wide+verywide filters, Vegamags JWST NIRCam wide+verywide+medium filters (Nov 2022), Vegamags JWST NIRCam wide+verywide+medium filters, Vegamags JWST NIRISS filters (Nov 2022), Vegamags JWST Nirspec filters, Vegamags JWST custom, Vegamags Kepler + SDSS griz + DDO51 (in ABmags) Kepler + SDSS griz + DDO51 (in ABmags) + 2MASS (~Vegamag) KiDS/VIKING (VST/OMEGAM + VISTA/VIRCAM, all ABmags) LBT/LBC (Vegamag) LSST (ABmags) + WFIRST proposed filters (Vegamags) LSST ugrizY, March 2012 total filter throughputs (all ABmags) LSST ugrizy, Oct 2017 total filter throughputs for DP0 (all ABmags) LSST ugrizy, Sept 2023, total filter throughputs R1.9 (all ABmags) NOAO/CTIO/MOSAIC2 (Vegamag) OGLE-II Pan-STARRS1 Pan-STARRS1 + narrow Omegacam filters (ABmags) Roman (ex-WFIRST) 2021 filters, Vegamags S-PLUS (Vegamags), revised on Nov. 2017 SDSS ugriz SDSS ugriz + 2MASS JHKs SDSS ugriz + UKIDSS ZYJHK SWIFT/UVOT UVW2, UVM2, UVW1,u (Vegamag) SkyMapper (ABmags) Spitzer IRAC+MIPS Stroemgren-Crawford Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam (ABmags) Subaru/Suprime-Cam (ABmags) SuperBIT, all ABmags TESS + 2MASS (Vegamags) TESS + 2MASS (Vegamags) + Kepler + SDSS griz + DDO51 (in ABmags) UKIDSS ZYJHK (Vegamag) UVIT (all ABmags) VISIR VISTA ZYJHKs (Vegamag) VPHAS+ (ABmags) VST/OMEGACAM (ABmag) Vilnius WFC3/UVIS around CaHK Washington CMT1T2 + DDO51 ZTF (ABmags) deltaa (Paunzen) + UBV (Maiz-Apellaniz), in Vegamags They are briefly described here.
Warning: Interstellar extinction works only for isochrone tables, not for LFs or simulated populations. Moreover, it does not work (yet) on the PARSEC rotating models.
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