Warning: mass loss works fine as long as ηReimers<0.5. Check the results for higher values.
Choose among the available photometric systems: 2MASS + Spitzer (IRAC+MIPS) 2MASS + Spitzer (IRAC+MIPS) + WISE 2MASS JHKs OGLE + 2MASS + Spitzer (IRAC+MIPS) UBVRIJHK (cf. Maiz-Apellaniz 2006 + Bessell 1990) UBVRIJHKLMN (cf. Bessell 1990 + Bessell & Brett 1988) AKARI BATC CFHT Megacam + Wircam (all ABmags) CFHT Wircam CFHT/Megacam post-2014 u*g'r'i'z' CFHT/Megacam pre-2014 u*g'r'i'z' CIBER CLUE + GALEX (Vegamags) CSST (ABmags) DECAM (ABmags) DENIS DMC 14 filters DMC 15 filters ESO/EIS (WFI UBVRIZ + SOFI JHK) ESO/WFI ESO/WFI2 Euclid/NISP (ABmags) GALEX FUV+NUV (Vegamag) + SDSS ugriz (ABmags) GALEX FUV+NUV + Johnson's UBV (Maiz-Apellaniz version), all Vegamags Gaia DR1 + Tycho2 + 2MASS (all Vegamags) Gaia DR2 + Tycho2 + 2MASS (all Vegamags, Gaia passbands from Evans et al. 2018) Gaia DR2 + Tycho2 + 2MASS (all Vegamags, Gaia passbands from Weiler 2018) Gaia EDR3 (all Vegamags, Gaia passbands from ESA/Gaia website) Gaia's DR1 G, G_BP and G_RP (Vegamags) Gaia's DR2 G, G_BP and G_RP (Vegamags, Gaia passbands from Evans et al. 2018) Gaia's DR2 G, G_BP and G_RP (Vegamags, Gaia passbands from Maiz-Apellaniz and Weiler 2018) Gaia's DR2 G, G_BP and G_RP (Vegamags, Gaia passbands from Weiler 2018) HST+GALEX+Swift/UVOT UV filters HST/ACS HRC HST/ACS WFC HST/NICMOS AB HST/NICMOS Vega HST/STIS imaging mode, Vegamag HST/WFC3 all W+LP+X filters (UVIS1+IR, final throughputs) HST/WFC3 long-pass and extremely wide filters (UVIS1, final throughputs) HST/WFC3 medium filters (UVIS1+IR, final throughputs) HST/WFC3 wide filters (UVIS1+IR, final throughputs) HST/WFPC2 (Vegamag, cf. Holtzman et al. 1995) Hipparcos+Tycho+Gaia DR1 (Vegamags) INT/WFC (Vegamag) IPHAS JWST MIRI wide filters, Vegamags JWST NIRCam wide+verywide filters, Vegamags JWST NIRCam wide+verywide+medium filters, Vegamags JWST Nirspec filters, Vegamags Kepler + SDSS griz + DDO51 (in ABmags) Kepler + SDSS griz + DDO51 (in ABmags) + 2MASS (~Vegamag) KiDS/VIKING (VST/OMEGAM + VISTA/VIRCAM, all ABmags) LBT/LBC (Vegamag) LSST (ABmags) + WFIRST proposed filters (Vegamags) LSST ugrizY, March 2012 total filter throughputs (all ABmags) NOAO/CTIO/MOSAIC2 (Vegamag) OGLE-II Pan-STARRS1 S-PLUS (Vegamags), revised on Nov. 2017 SDSS ugriz SDSS ugriz + 2MASS JHKs SDSS ugriz + UKIDSS ZYJHK SWIFT/UVOT UVW2, UVM2, UVW1,u (Vegamag) SkyMapper (ABmags) Spitzer IRAC+MIPS Stroemgren-Crawford Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam (ABmags) Subaru/Suprime-Cam (ABmags) TESS + 2MASS (Vegamags) TESS + 2MASS (Vegamags) + Kepler + SDSS griz + DDO51 (in ABmags) UKIDSS ZYJHK (Vegamag) UVIT (all ABmags) VISIR VISTA ZYJHKs (Vegamag) VPHAS+ (ABmags) VST/OMEGACAM (ABmag) Vilnius WFC3/UVIS around CaHK WFIRST proposed filters, Vegamags Washington CMT1T2 + DDO51 deltaa (Paunzen) + UBV (Maiz-Apellaniz), in Vegamags They are briefly described here.
Warning: The options for C-star dust below should be discarded in the light of the results of Nanni (2018).
Warning: Interstellar extinction works only for isochrone tables, not for LFs or simulated populations.
gzip the output file (Files above 50 Mby will always be gzipped!)