Available photometric systems

Updated to Thu Jun 20 15:08:49 CEST 2019

Here follows a list of the photometric systems for which we are presently providing bolometric corrections, extinction coefficients, isochrones, and simulations of stellar populations. The list extends those you find in our papers, in particular those in Girardi et al. (2002), Girardi et al. (2005), Girardi et al. (2008), Marigo et al. (2008), Aringer et al. (2009). In a few cases (as indicated in the last column), we have also revised the zeropoints in view of new literature data. The photometric systems below are used in the following databases and web interfaces:

  • TRILEGAL: mock photometric catalogues on demand
  • CMD: theoretical isochrones on demand
  • dustyAGB07: bolometric corrections and extinction coefficients, valid for most stars
  • synphot/Cstars: bolometric corrections for C stars.

    Table still incomplete!
    Photometric system Nickname in database Filters included Central wavelength range Kind of zeropoints References for filters Additional information
    Johnsonubv UBV 3642-5502AA Vega Maiz-Apellaniz (2006) zeropoints from Maiz-Apellaniz (2006)
    Bessell & Brettbessell UxBxBV(RI)cJHKLL'M 3627AA-4.72mum Vega Bessell (1990), Bessell & Brett (1988)
    UBVRIJHKubvrijhk UBV(RI)cJHK 3642AA-2.15mum Vega Maiz-Apellaniz (2006), Bessell (1990), Bessell & Brett (1988) combination of previous 2 systems
    Stroemgren-Crawfordstroemgren uvbyHbetawHbetan 3474-5478AA Vega Maiz-Apellaniz (2006), Moro & Munari (2000) assumed beta=Hbetaw-Hbetan=2.873 for Vega (Hawk & Mermilliod (1998))
    Tychotycho VTBT 4250-5303AA Vega Maiz-Apellaniz (2006)
    SDSSsloan ugriz 3587-8934AA AB Fukugita et al. (1996) details in Girardi et al. (2004); uses Pogson's formula for magnitudes
    OGLE-IIogle UBVI 3695-8321AA Vega OGLE website details in Vanhollebeke et al. (2009)
    ESO/WFIwfi WFI wide filters 3469-8590AA Vega ESO/WFI website
    Washingtonwashington CMT1T2 3982-8078AA Vega Geisler (1996)
    Washington+DDO51washington_ddo51 CMT1T2 + DDO51 for 3 different focal ratios 3982-8078AA Vega Geisler (1996) for Washington, KPNO webpages for DDO51
    DENISdenis IJKs 7927AA-2.15mum Vega Fouque et al. (2000)
    2MASS2mass JHKs 1.23-2.16mum Vega Cohen et al. (2003)
    DCMCdcmc IJHKs 7927AA-2.15mum Vega Fouque et al. (2000), Cohen et al. (2003) it's simply I from DENIS plus JHKs from 2MASS
    UKIDSSukidss ZYJHKs 8823AA-2.20mum Vega Hewett et al. (2006)
    VISTAvista ZYJHKs 0.8-2.3mum Vega the VIRCAM instrument page zeropoints in VSA are offset, see sect. 2.2 in Rubele et al. (2012) for details
    BATCbatc all 15 filters 3383-9722AA AB Yan et al. (2006)
    DMCdmc15 and dmc14 all 15 filters (reduced to 14 in latest optical configuration) 4223-9088AA AB Doi et al. (1998) see also Kuncarayakti et al. (2008)
    Subaru/Suprime-Camsuprimecam the wide filters used by COSMOS: BVRIgriz 4452-9176AA AB Peter Capak COSMOS page, plus RI from Hendrik Hildebrandt
    Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Camhsc grizy+NB816+NB921 4300-10000AA AB HSC pages
    CFHT/MegaCam (pre-2014megacam u*g'r'i'z' 3880-8850AA AB Mathias Schultheis, priv. comm. see also Coupon et al. (2009)
    CFHT/MegaCam, post 2014megacam_post2014 u*g'r'i'z' 3880-8850AA AB Jean-Charles Cuillandre, priv. comm. includes response of atmosphere, optics, detectors
    HST/WFPC2wfpc2 all wide filters 1700-9092AA Vega Holtzman et al. (1995)
    HST/ACS WFCacs_wfc all wide filters 1700-9092AA Vega Sirianni_etal05 details in Girardi et al. (2008)
    HST/ACS HRCacs_hrc all wide filters 4396-9039AA Vega Sirianni_etal05 details in Girardi et al. (2008)
    HST/NICMOSnicmosvega JHK equivalent 1.1-2.04mum Vega Don Figer, private commun. details in Girardi et al. (2002)
    HST/WFC3 IR channell (final throughputs)wfc3ir all W filters 1.05-1.53mum Vega Jason Kalirai, private comm. see Girardi et al. (2008)
    HST/WFC3 UVIS channell (final throughputs)wfc3uvis1 and wfc3uvis2 (for chips 1 and 2) all W and LP filters 2538-9149AA Vega Jason Kalirai, private comm. see Girardi et al. (2008). Chip 1 is to be preferred.
    Spitzerspitzer all MIPS+IRAC filters 3.52-154mum Vega Spitzer webpages details in Groenewegen (2006)
    AKARIakari all filters 2.32-160mum Vega AKARI webpages details in Groenewegen (2006)
    Keplerkepler Kepler 'wide filter' ~6400AA AB Guillermo Torres, private comm. SDSS griz+DDO51 added for convenience
    Swift/UVOTswift_uvot all filters ~1900-3700AA Vega Wayne Landsman, private comm. see also Hoversten et al. (2009)
    Pan-STARRS1panstarrs1 grizyw ~4900-9600AA AB Tonry et al. (2012)
    Gaia DR1gaia G,G_BP,G_RP ~4500-9000AA Vega ?? pre-launch curves
    Gaia DR2gaiaDR2 G,G_BP,G_RP ~4500-9000AA Vega Gaia DR2 webpages
    Gaia DR2, cf. Weiler 2018gaiaDR2weiler G,G_BPbr,G_BPft,G_RP ~4500-9000AA Vega Weiler (2018) Weiler, priv. comm.
    Gaia DR2, cf. Maiz-Apellaniz and Weiler 2018gaiaDR2maiz G,G_BPbr,G_BPft,G_RP ~4500-9000AA Vega Maiz-Apellaniz & Weiler (2018) Weiler, priv. comm.
    SkyMapperskymapper uvgriz ~3200-9800AA AB SVO thanks to Mario Radovich

    This table is mantained by Léo Girardi at the Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova.
    Last modified: Thu Jun 20 15:08:49 CEST 2019