TRILEGAL Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs 1. I work with these and these filters. Can you put them inside TRILEGAL?
Yes, but please provide us with filter transmission curves in a 2-column format (lambda and total throughput), well sampled (i.e. Δλ=10 to 50 Angstrons) and for increasing λ, together with a clear definition of the zeropoints. In most cases it will suffice to indicate wether the system is a Vega, ST or ABmag one.
FAQs 2. Why is TRILEGAL becoming slower with time?
It's mainly because the code is being expanded with new features and higher accuracy, whereas the web server and interface remain essentially the same. The fact is that the web-based TRILEGAL needs funding to grow. Would you like to help? Please send us an e-mail of appreciation with the subject "support for TRILEGAL", telling briefly your name, affiliation, what is TRILEGAL being used for, and any comment you may have. Your email may be used to support future requests of funding to Italian agencies. If you just want to comment, suggest new features, or indicate bugs, use some other subject, like "TRILEGAL suggestion" or "TRILEGAL bug". No e-mail will ever be published online (unless you ask for it).
No other FAQ for the moment

This service is mantained by Léo Girardi at the Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova.
Questions, comments and special requests should be directed to leo.girardi@oapd·inaf·it .

Last modified: Oct 22, 2008