PARSEC V2.0 Tracks

This database of tracks contains sets of tracks computed with a mass that ranges from 0.09 Msun to 14 Msun, with six metallicity values between Z=0.004 and Z=0.017, and with seven different values of initial rotation rate, from no rotation to the critical one. As described in detail in Nguyen et al. 2022, each set of tracks is composed by different type of tracks. Stellar tracks with a mass above about 0.7 Msun are the new tracks and have been computed with PARSEC v2.0. Tracks with a mass below about 0.7 Msun and horizontal branch tracks (files with the .HB extension) are tracks from the old database, computed with PARSEC V1.2s.

The following table lists the quantities contained in the new tracks, with 0.7 Msun <= M <= 2 Msun:

Column number Quantity Description
1 MODE Model number
2 MASS Current total mass [Msun]
3 AGE Age [yr]
4 Dtime Time-step [yr]
5 LOG_L log10 total luminosity [log10 Lsun]
6 LOG_TE effective temperature [log10 K]
7 RSTAR Star radius [cm]
8 CONV Mass of the homogeneous core (incl. overshooting) [M/Mtot]
9 QSCHW Mass of the unstable core (Schwartzschild mass) [M/Mtot]
10 QDISC Mass where X - Xsurface < 10-3 [M/Mtot]
11 QH_HE Mass where X = 0.5*(Xmax+Xmin) [M/Mtot]
12 QHEL Mass where X = 0 [M/Mtot]
13 Q_HE_CO Mass where Y = 0.5*(Ymax+Ymin) [M/Mtot]
14 QCAROX Mass where Y = 0 [M/Mtot]
15 LOG_Tc log10 central temperature [log10 K]
16 LOG_RHc log10 central density [log10 g cm-3]
17 LOG_Pc log10 central pressure [log10 10-1 Pa]
18 PSI_C degeneracy parameter at center
19 G1_AVG Average Gamma 1 adiabatic index, see Marchant et al. 2019
20 G1_AVG_CO The same as G1_AVG but the average is calculated up to QCAROX
21 XCEN central H1 mass fraction
22 XHE3C central He3 mass fraction
23 YCEN central He4 mass fraction
24 XC_CEN central C12 mass fraction
25 XN_CEN central N14 mass fraction
26 XO_CEN central O16 mass fraction
27 XNE_CEN central Ne20+Ne22 mass fraction
28 XMG_CEN central Mg24+Mg25+Mg26 mass fraction
29 XSI28_CEN central Si28 mass fraction
30 XS32_CEN central S32 mass fraction
31 XAR36_CEN central Ar36 mass fraction
32 XCA40_CEN central Ca40 mass fraction
33 XTI44_CEN central Ti44 mass fraction
34 DM Mtot variation (< 0 for mass loss > for accretion) [Msun]
35 RATE Mass loss or accretion rate [Msun yr-1]
36 M Number of mesh points
37 MO1 Last saved model, from which you can restart
38 OUTALF MLT alpha coefficient
39 Xsup surface H1 mass fraction
40 Ysup surface He4 mass fraction
41 XCsup surface C12 mass fraction
42 XC13sup surface C13 mass fraction
43 XNsup surface N14 mass fraction
44 XOsup surface O16 mass fraction
45 XO18sup surface O18 mass fraction
46 XNEsup surface Ne20 + Ne22 mass fraction
47 XMGsup surface Mg24 + Mg25 + Mg26 mass fraction
48 MU mean molecular weight at the center
49 POLRAD_ENV star polar radius [cm]
50 EQRAD_ENV star equatorial radius [cm]
51 OMG_ENV angular rotation rate = angular velocity / angular critical velocity
52 ANG_VEL_ENV envelope angular velocity [cm s-1]
53 TANVEL_ENV tangential linear velocity at the equator[cm s-1]
54 TOT_INERTIA Total moment of inertia of the star [g cm2]]
55 TOT_ANGMOM Total angular momentum [g cm2 s-1]
56 TOT_MOM_LOST Total angular momentum lost due to stellar wind [g cm2 s-1]
57 VAR_MOMANG Relative variation of Tot.Ang.Mom = (Tot_AngMom - Tot_Mom_0)/Tot_Mom_0
58 R_CONV Radius at CONV [log10 cm]
59 R_SCHW Radius of the unstable core [log10 cm]
60 R_DISC Radius at QDISC [log10 cm]
61 R_H_HE Radius at QH_HE [log10 cm]
62 RHEL Radius at QHEL [log10 cm]
63 R_HE_CO Radius at Q_HE_CO [log10 cm]
64 R_CAROX Radius at QCAROX [log10 cm]
65 TMAX maximum temperature [log10 K]
66 RHTMAX Density where T = TMAX [log10 g cm-3]
67 QTMAX Mass coordinate where T = TMAX [M/Mtot]
68 LNUC luminosity produced by nuclear burning [L/Ltot]
69 LX luminosity by hydrogen burning [L/Ltot]
70 QH1 Mass coordinate of the bottom of Hydrogen burning zone [M/Mtot]
71 QH2 Mass coordinate of the top of the Hydrogen burning zone [M/Mtot]
72 LY luminosity by helium burning [L/Ltot]
73 QHE1 Mass coordinate of the bottom of He burning zone [M/Mtot]
74 QHE2 Mass coordinate of the top of He burning zone [M/Mtot]
75 LC luminosity by carbon burning [L/Ltot]
76 QC1 Mass coordinate of the bottom of C burning zone [M/Mtot]
77 QC2 Mass coordinate of the top of C burning zone [M/Mtot]
78 LNEUTR neutrino luminosity [L/Ltot]
79 L_GRAV gravitational luminosity [L/Ltot]
80 L_ACC accretion luminosity [L/Ltot]
81 LYYY luminosity provided by triple alpha reaction [L/Ltot]
82 LYC luminosity provived by alpha capture on carbon [L/Ltot]
83 LYO luminosity provided by alpha capture on oxygen [L/Ltot]
84 N_C not used
85 AL_X_TOT not used
86 EGENV_H gravitational energy of H-rich envelope + atmosphere [log10 erg]
87 EGENV_HE gravitational energy of He-rich envelope [log10 erg]
88 ENTAL_H enthalpy of H-rich envelope + atmosphere [erg]
89 ENTAL_HE enthalpy of He-rich envelope [erg]
90 E_INT_H internal energy of H-rich envelope + atmosphere [log10 erg]
91 E_INT_HE internal energy of He-rich envelope [log10 erg]
92 ES_TOT total entropy [erg K-1]]
93 Q_CNV depth of convective envelope [M/Mtot]
94 DPTH_CNV radial depth of convective envelope [log10 cm]
95 TCNV_YR turnover timescale of convective bubble [yr]
96 PHS Evolutionary phase. 0 = PMS, 1 = MS, 3 = SUBG, 4 = RGB, 5 = AGB (for Mini <14)
97 CI1 upper border of first conv zone [M/Mtot]
98 CF1 bottom of first conv zone [M/Mtot]
99 CI2 upper border of second conv zone [M/Mtot]
100 CF2 bottom of second conv zone [M/Mtot]
101 CI3 upper border of third conv zone [M/Mtot]
102 CF3 bottom of third conv zone [M/Mtot]
103 CI4 upper border of fourth conv zone [M/Mtot]
104 CF4 bottom of fourth conv zone [M/Mtot]
105 T20L10 atmosphere temperature of the gas at tau = 20 [log10 K]
106 RH20L10 atmosphere density of the gas at tau = 20 [log10 g cm-3]
107 P20L10 atmosphere pressure of the gas at tau = 20 [log10 10-1 Pa]
108 TE20L10 "Effective temperature" (the one from boltzman-stefan law) at tau = 20 [log10 K]
109 R20L10 atmosphere radius at tau = 20 [log10 cm]
110 T2_3L10 atmosphere temperature of the gas at tau = 2/3 [log10 K]
111 RH2_3L10 Atmosphere density of the gas at tau = 2/3 [log10 g cm-3]
112 P2_3L10 Atmosphere pressure of the gas at tau = 2/3 [log10 10-1 Pa]
113 TE2_3L10 temperature from Stefan-Boltzmann law at tau = 2/3 [log10 K]
114 R2_3L10 Atmosphere radius at tau = 2/3 [log10 cm]
115 FIT_M mass of the fitting point [M/Mtot]
116 COMP_TIME Elapsed time (not CPU time) [s]

The following table lists the quantities contained in the tracks, with M <= 0.7 Msun (Chen et al. 2014):

Column number Quantity Description
1 MODE Model number
2 MASS Current total mass [Msun]
3 AGE Age [yr]
4 Dtime Time-step [yr]
5 LOG_L log10 total luminosity [log10 Lsun]
6 LOG_TE effective temperature [log10 K]
7 CONV Mass of the homogeneous core (incl. overshooting) [M/Mtot]
8 QSCHW Mass of the unstable core (Schwartzschild mass) [M/Mtot]
9 QDISC Mass where X - Xsurface < 10-3 [M/Mtot]
10 QINTE Mass where X = 0.5*(Xmax+Xmin) [M/Mtot]
11 QHEL Mass where X = 0 [M/Mtot]
12 QCAROX Mass where Y = 0 [M/Mtot]
13 LOG_Tc log10 central temperature [log10 K]
14 LOG_RHc log10 central density [log10 g cm-3]
15 LOG_Pc log10 central pressure [log10 10-1 Pa]
16 QTMAX Mass coordinate where T = TMAX [M/Mtot]
17 XCEN central H1 mass fraction
18 XHE3C central He3 mass fraction
19 YCEN central He4 mass fraction
20 DM Mtot variation (< 0 for mass loss > for accretion) [Msun]
21 RATE Mass loss or accretion rate [Msun yr-1]
22 M Number of mesh points
23 MO1 Last saved model, from which you can restart
24 XC_cen central C12 mass fraction
25 XO_cen central O16 mass fraction
26 XN_cen central N14 mass fraction
27 Rhtmax Log10 Density where T = TMAX [Log g cm-3]
28 Xsup surface H1 mass fraction
29 Ysup surface He4 mass fraction
30 XCsup surface C12 mass fraction
31 XOsup surface O16 mass fraction
32 XNsup surface N14 mass fraction
33 XC13sup surface C13 mass fraction
34 LNUC luminosity produced by nuclear burning [L/Ltot]
35 LX luminosity by hydrogen burning [L/Ltot]
36 QH1 Mass coordinate of the bottom of Hydrogen burning zone [M/Mtot]
37 QH2 Mass coordinate of the top of the Hydrogen burning zone [M/Mtot]
38 LY luminosity by helium burning [L/Ltot]
39 QHE1 Mass coordinate of the bottom of He burning zone [M/Mtot]
40 QHE2 Mass coordinate of the top of He burning zone [M/Mtot]
41 LC luminosity by carbon burning [L/Ltot]
42 QC1 Mass coordinate of the bottom of C burning zone [M/Mtot]
43 QC2 Mass coordinate of the top of C burning zone [M/Mtot]
44 LNEUTR neutrino luminosity [L/Ltot]
45 L_EX_LT check [L/Ltot]
46 lgL_SCT check [L/Ltot]
47 lgL_AC check [L/Ltot]
48 lgL_AC_T check [L/Ltot]
49 L_GRAV gravitational luminosity [L/Ltot]
50 Rstar Star radius [cm]
51 r_x check
52 tau_xy check
53 tau_thy check
54 f_th check
55 n_c check
56 aL_x_tot check
57 MU mean molecular weight at the center check
58 MU_E mean molecular weight for electrons at the center check
59 CI1 upper border of first conv zone [M/Mtot]
60 CF1 bottom of first conv zone [M/Mtot]
61 CI2 upper border of second conv zone [M/Mtot]
62 CF2 bottom of second conv zone [M/Mtot]
63 CI3 upper border of third conv zone [M/Mtot]
64 CF3 bottom of third conv zone [M/Mtot]
65 CI4 upper border of fourth conv zone [M/Mtot]
66 CF4 bottom of fourth conv zone [M/Mtot]
67 CI5 upper border of fifth conv zone [M/Mtot]
68 CF5 bottom of fifth conv zone [M/Mtot]
69 MFIT mass of the fitting point [M/Mtot] check
70 CPU_SEC CPU time check [s]

The following table lists the quantities contained in the tracks, with M >= 2.0 Msun (Costa et al. 2019b):

Column number Quantity Description
1 MODE Model number
2 MASS Current total mass [Msun]
3 AGE Age [yr]
4 Dtime Time-step [yr]
5 LOG_L log10 total luminosity [log10 Lsun]
6 LOG_TE effective temperature [log10 K]
7 Rstar Star radius [cm]
8 Rpol star polar radius [cm]
9 Req star equatorial radius [cm]
10 OMEGA angular rotation rate = angular velocity / angular critical velocity
11 Ang_vel envelope angular velocity [cm s-1]
12 Vtan_eq tangential linear velocity at the equator[cm s-1]
13 Mom_Iner Total moment of inertia of the star [g cm2]]
14 Mom_ang Total angular momentum [g cm2 s-1]
15 Mom_lost Total angular momentum lost due to stellar wind [g cm2 s-1]
16 Var_MomAng Relative variation of Tot.Ang.Mom = (Tot_AngMom - Tot_Mom_0)/Tot_Mom_0
17 CONV Mass of the homogeneous core (incl. overshooting) [M/Mtot]
18 QSCHW Mass of the unstable core (Schwartzschild mass) [M/Mtot]
19 QDISC Mass where X - Xsurface < 10-3 [M/Mtot]
20 QH_HE Mass where X = 0.5*(Xmax+Xmin) [M/Mtot]
21 QHEL Mass where X = 0 [M/Mtot]
22 QHE_co Mass where X = 0.5*(Xmax+Xmin) [M/Mtot]
23 QCAROX Mass where Y = 0 [M/Mtot]
24 LOG_Tc log10 central temperature [log10 K]
25 LOG_RHc log10 central density [log10 g cm-3]
26 LOG_Pc log10 central pressure [log10 10-1 Pa]
27 QTMAX Mass coordinate where T = TMAX [M/Mtot]
28 XCEN central H1 mass fraction
29 XHE3C central He3 mass fraction
30 YCEN central He4 mass fraction
31 DM Mtot variation (< 0 for mass loss > for accretion) [Msun]
32 RATE Mass loss or accretion rate [Msun yr-1]
33 M Number of mesh points
34 MO1 Last saved model, from which you can restart
35 XC_cen central C12 mass fraction
36 XO_cen central O16 mass fraction
37 XN_cen central N14 mass fraction
38 Tmax Log10 maximum temperature [Log K ]
39 Xsup surface H1 mass fraction
40 Ysup surface He4 mass fraction
41 XCsup surface C12 mass fraction
42 XOsup surface O16 mass fraction
43 XNsup surface N14 mass fraction
44 XC13sup surface C13 mass fraction
45 LNUC luminosity produced by nuclear burning [L/Ltot]
46 LX luminosity by hydrogen burning [L/Ltot]
47 QH1 Mass coordinate of the bottom of Hydrogen burning zone [M/Mtot]
48 QH2 Mass coordinate of the top of the Hydrogen burning zone [M/Mtot]
49 LY luminosity by helium burning [L/Ltot]
50 QHE1 Mass coordinate of the bottom of He burning zone [M/Mtot]
51 QHE2 Mass coordinate of the top of He burning zone [M/Mtot]
52 LC luminosity by carbon burning [L/Ltot]
53 QC1 Mass coordinate of the bottom of C burning zone [M/Mtot]
54 QC2 Mass coordinate of the top of C burning zone [M/Mtot]
55 LNEUTR neutrino luminosity [L/Ltot]
56 L_GRAV gravitational luminosity [L/Ltot]
57 LYYY luminosity provided by triple alpha reaction [L/Ltot]
58 LYC luminosity provived by alpha capture on carbon [L/Ltot]
59 LYO luminosity provided by alpha capture on oxygen [L/Ltot]
60 MLT MLT alpha coefficient
61 n_c check
62 aL_x_tot check
63 XNECEN central Ne20+Ne22 mass fraction
64 XNEsup surface Ne20 + Ne22 mass fraction
65 XMGCEN central Mg24+Mg25+Mg26 mass fraction
66 XMGsup surface Mg24 + Mg25 + Mg26 mass fraction
67 MU mean molecular weight at the center check
68 MU_E mean molecular weight for electrons at the center check
69 R_H_HE Radius at QH_HE [log10 cm]
70 RHEL Radius at QHEL [log10 cm]
71 R_HE_CO Radius at Q_HE_CO [log10 cm]
72 R_CAROX Radius at QCAROX [log10 cm]
73 I_HE_CO Moment of inertia within Q_HE_CO [g cm2]]
74 AM_HE_CO Angular momentum within Q_HE_CO [g cm2 s-1]
75 I_CAROX Moment of inertia within Q_CAROX [g cm2]]
76 AM_CAROX Angular momentum within Q_CAROX [g cm2 s-1]
77 eg_envH gravitational energy of H-rich envelope + atmosphere [log10 erg]
78 eg_encvHE gravitational energy of He-rich envelope [log10 erg]
79 Q_CNV depth of convective envelope [M/Mtot]
80 DPTH_CNV radial depth of convective envelope [log10 cm]
81 INERT_CNV Moment of iniertia of the convective envelope [g cm2]]
82 TCNV_YR turnover timescale of convective bubble [yr]
83 PHS Evolutionary phase. 0 = PMS, 1 = MS, 3 = SUBG, 4 = RGB, 5 = AGB (for Mini <14)
84 CI1 upper border of first conv zone [M/Mtot]
85 CF1 bottom of first conv zone [M/Mtot]
86 CI2 upper border of second conv zone [M/Mtot]
87 CF2 bottom of second conv zone [M/Mtot]
88 CI3 upper border of third conv zone [M/Mtot]
89 CF3 bottom of third conv zone [M/Mtot]
90 CI4 upper border of fourth conv zone [M/Mtot]
91 CF4 bottom of fourth conv zone [M/Mtot]
92 MFIT mass of the fitting point [M/Mtot] check
93 CPU_SEC CPU time check [s]