Stellar tracks database
Choose the PARSEC tracks version
- PARSECv2.0 grids - New! PARSECv2.0 Non-rotating intermediate to very massive stars with ejecta and ionizing photons, from Costa et al. 2025.
- PARSECv2.0 Pure-He - New! PARSECv2.0 Non-rotating Pure He low-mass to very massive stars, from Costa et al. 2025.
- PARSECv2.0 Rotating sets - PARSECv2.0 Low-mass to massive stellar tracks with rotation from Nguyen et al. 2022.
- PARSECv1.2 grids - PARSECv1.2 Low-mass to very massive stellar tracks from Chen et al. 2015.